Specialized Services is the Key to Success
Apart from translation, we offer a whole range of linguistic services, such as proofreading, review, localization, MT post-editing, SEO translation, and transcreation, so that we can meet 100% your demands.
Translations are carried out by native speakers-linguists, who live and work in the country where the target language is spoken and they have at least a master’s degree in the corresponding specialization field of each project. This way we can ensure that the right language is used, the language of quality!
Patent Translation
- Mechanical
- Chemical
- Biochemical
- Medical and
- IT patents
Healthcare Translation
- Medical equipment
- Pacemakers and leads
- Catheters
- Laser systems
- Other equipment used for medical purposes (operation, service, software localisation)
IT Translation
- Computers/Software
- Mobile phones (operation manuals, localisation of phone software)
- Localisation of major PC operating systems, applications and drivers
- Parts and peripherals (installation, operation and service manuals for printers, monitors, CD-ROM drives, video and so on
Technical Translation
- Mechanical engineering
- Automotive industry (user and service manuals)
- Pumps, valves and piping
- Air conditioning systems
- Machinery and equipment of any kind
- Home Appliances
- Automatic control systems, sensors, safety devices, remote control systems
Website Translation
- Business sites
- Blogs
- E-commerce
- Product descriptions
- Privacy Policies

Send us the material to be translated and ask for a free quote!
After we study your project material, analyze the files, define any additional requirements, we will send you a competitive quote.
Upon acceptance of the quote we begin the preparation of the files, required file format conversions, we build a translation memory, a special glossary, collect reference material and related literature.
Depending on the language combination and the subject area, the translation is either carried out in-house or forwarded to qualified partners together with all required material we have prepared.
Next step is editing, which includes: grammar, syntax, style, ease of understanding, spelling and punctuation marks, consistency in the use of terminology, completeness, numbers, units, etc., text layout and format. All these can be double checked and assured with a specialized translation QA tool.
The final translation is checked against special requirements and is delivered on time and in the requested format.
What will it cost me?
Rates are per source word or per hour based on the translation field and the complexity of the material to be translated. We make sure that our client gets high-end services at the most competitive rate.
What services are included?
Editing/Proofreading: In this procedure we use special computer-aided translation tools to support our absolute concentration. In general, editing and proofreading depend on many factors, but among the same people they can be automated to some degree.
Terminology management: The separate for each subject area glossaries are the base for a good translation. Using the right terminology optimizes quality and spares editing time. Nevertheless, even the management of terminology should be based on concepts not words, reinforcing the efficiency of translators. During the translation phase, glossaries are connected to an equivalent translation memory for a more integrated work environment.
QA: with cutting-edge quality assurance tools.
What tools are used for translation?
All services are performed using state-of-the art computer-aided translation tools (CAT-tools).
Various CAT-tools | Word processing software |Graphic design software | QA Tools
What is a translation memory?
It is a database of previous translations, in which the source language and the target language texts have been segmented to translation units and aligned. When a new version of the same original text is compared against the original, the translation memory recognizes the translated units and inserts them in the target text. If there are differences, they are highlighted for editing.
Years of experience